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The People of Geology and Geophysics. Henry Barnard Davis Memorial Professor of Geology and Geophysics; Curator Mineralogy, Asso Editor Amer Jrnl Sci; Chn Geology and Geophysics. Frederick William Beinecke Prof of Geophysics. 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902. Assistant Professor and Assistant Curator, Geology and Geophysics. 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902. 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8902.
Center for Resea rch Computing. The Origin and Diversification of Snakes. Manipulating atomic orbitals in a material. Genetic Diversity and Innovations in Agriculture Technologies. White House Launches National HPC Strategy.
Characterizing calcic horizon in the Sierra Nevada mountains. My friend, my enemy, the gray tree frog. Rainbow darter in stream in West Virginia.
Sarah Federman successfully defended her PhD dissertation October 24th. Congratulations! September 28, 2016. 375 members of the National Academy of Sciences published an open letter on the risks of climate change.
Geoscience and Environmental Education in Connecticut. Check out some of the exciting things happening at GSC! Join as a Member! Now Accepting 2017 Student Grant Applications. Traprock, Tracks and Brownstone -. Now Available for FREE Download in our online store. The Joe Webb Peoples Award information and nominations.
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Combined search of the Zayed University Library Catalog and research databases. Search and borrow materials from the HCT, UAEU, and Zayed University Catalogs. Zayed University Library and Learning Resources.
Reality The Pennsylvania State University.